From time to time we alert you to advocacy efforts that may affect your nonprofit and the people you serve. As an alliance of nonprofits that represents a broad sector of interests and needs, we will not take a stand on legislation and advocacy efforts without support of our board and members. However, we encourage all of our members to decide for themselves if this is something they would support.

Nonprofit Montgomery is an alliance of nonprofits and an advocate for the nonprofit sector. We work year round to inform you about issues that affect your work and the people you serve. We speak for the sector during important budget and policy debates. We communicate regularly with elected officials and their staff to make sure they understand the needs of nonprofits. As a member of Nonprofit Montgomery we seek your input on budget and legislative issues and prepare platforms and briefs. We also work behind the scenes with county departments to improve relations and work through issues. Finally, we provide our members opportunities to interact with key elected and government leaders.

Watch for advocacy alerts on important issues and opportunities. We encourage each organization to make their own decision about which issues to support.

Sign-on letter Urging President-Elect to Continue DACA
County Executive Leggett, along with 30 other mayors (as of today) from across the country has sent a letter urging President-Elect Trump to continue and protect Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) in consultation with United We DREAM, CLINIC, the National Immigration Law Center, and other immigrant advocates and organizations has written a sign-on letter to the President-Elect to project DACA. The incoming Administration has promised to end DACA, which provides employment authorization and protection from deportation to over 750,000 undocumented immigrants.

This sign-on letter is currently only accepting national, state, and local nonprofit organizations as signatories (including religious non-profits and churches). It is not accepting individual or private signatories at this time.

If this is something your organization would like to support, read and sign the letter here.

Sign-on letter: Strengthening America’s Values and Economy (SAVE) for All
Strengthening America’s Values and Economy (SAVE) for All is a coalition of national, state and local advocacy groups, service providers, faith-based organizations, policy experts, labor and civil rights groups working to protect important services from harmful federal budget cuts and to save the federal capacity to spur economic recovery and progress for the benefit of all.

The Coalition on Human Needs is fostering a sign-on letter to the new Administration to extend opportunity and economic security to all. To see the letter and the current list of signers, click here. To sign on, click here.

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