Support the Sector: Testify on October 9
Provide Feedback and Testimonials to the Council

Dear Members,

We’ve just received word from the County Council that there is still space for nonprofits to sign up and testify at the Community Grants Public Forum on Tuesday, October 9 at 7:30pm. I will be there to testify on behalf of Nonprofit Montgomery, but we need additional people to testify to show the importance of these grants to the nonprofit sector.

I strongly urge you to read the Office of Legislative Oversight report on the Community Grants process and sign up to speak on October 9.

After reading the report, we appreciate the stated intent to improve the accountability, transparency, fairness and accessibility of the grants process. However we do want to include the reminder that nonprofits would like to help in the process of defining the future of community grants.

We ask that any and all members submit testimony and attend the forum if possible. It is critical that the voices of the nonprofit sector are represented at this forum. Please share your story on the importance of community grants is to your organization and the people you serve.

Public Forum on Community Grants
Tuesday, October 9, 7:30pm
100 Maryland Avenue, 3rd floor Hearing Room
Rockville, MD 20850

How to Testify
To testify at a Council public hearing, please sign up here or call 240-777-7803. You must bring 15 copies of their testimony to the hearing and to email a written copy 48 hours in advance of the hearing.

Let’s send a strong message about our sector’s interest in the community grants process. I look forward to seeing you on October 9.

With thanks,
Lesley MacDonald
Executive Director, Nonprofit Montgomery