Nonprofit Montgomery supports nearly 200-member nonprofit organizations with technical assistance, training and resources, and advocacy on issues of importance to the nonprofit sector. Our cross sector initiative, Montgomery Moving Forward, addresses social and economic challenges through a collective impact process that leads to long term solutions.

We appreciate the very strong partnership between the Montgomery County Government and the nonprofit sector and the efforts your administration has made to continue to strengthen that relationship so we can most effectively support communities across the County. In particular, I would like to highlight two recent developments: The 8% increase the County gave us last year, in acknowledgement of how far behind nonprofits had fallen due to the demands from the pandemic. And the new Office of Grants Management which we anticipate will play a significant role in facilitating a more efficient funding process and helping us bring more funding to the County.

As we look forward to FY 2024 and a continued high demand for our services, we ask for your continued support. We have two specific questions. First, can you tell us what the timeline for announcing the new community grants process is? In the past that process has started in January and we are getting questions about what the community grants application and criteria for FY 2024 will be.

Second, we request a standing commitment to nonprofits that matches the one made to county employees. Can you include a commitment to a rate of increase in funding to nonprofits that is equivalent to what is being offered to county employees in the FY 2024 budget?