Please visit Nonprofit Montgomery’s website for information on grants that were advertised previously.

City of Gaithersburg: Community Service and Educational Support Grants
The City’s Grant portal opens February 1, 2023, where the City of Gaithersburg Community Services Division in coordination with the Educational Enrichment Committee, will be offering one-year School-Based Nonprofit Grant opportunities. There was a mandatory info session on January 23, but please reach out to about accessing the recording.

Asian American Center of Excellence Micro-Grants
The Asian American Health Initiative (AAHI), a part of the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, is soliciting micro-grant applications from organizations to improve capacity, sustainability, and infrastructure of organizations that provide health and wellness programs and social support services to the County’s Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities. Micro-grants are being awarded for purchase of equipment, professional development, and consultants.

  • All applicants must complete the online application by 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday, February 12, 2023.

Greater Washington Community Foundation: David Bradt Nonprofit Education Fund

  • Provides an annual award that will enable a nonprofit leader in the Greater Washington region to attend an intensive executive training program. The first step is to submit a Letter of Interest by February 23.