Community Development Block Grant Program
The Community Development Block Grant Program is a federal grant for housing and community development projects that benefit low and moderate-income persons. Rockville is accepting applications for an anticipated $263,000 in federal CDBG funds it will receive in fall 2022. CDBG money can be used to provide grants to housing providers for housing and community development projects that benefit low- and moderate-income households or neighborhoods. Applications are due 10/23.

Children’s Opportunity Fund
The Children’s Opportunity Fund is focused on funding innovation opportunities that close the achievement gap in Montgomery County. Applicants must submit a proposal via The Community’s Foundation’s online application system no later than 4pm on October 26. Click here for more info.

Community Action Awards, part of the three-part VoicesDMV initiative, are small grants of up to $2,000 for individuals and nonprofits in Greater Washington working to make our region a more equitable place for everyone to live, work, and thrive. Deadline: 11/2

COVID-19 School-Age Subsidy Program (CSSP)
For low-income families with children at MCPS schools who attend a qualifying full-day childcare program. Short term program which may provide assistance paying for childcare between October and January. Find more information here.